A Clean Energy Vision | Western Clean Energy Advocates’ (WCEA) vision of the western grid in 2030 and 2050 creates jobs, enhances energy security and reliability, reduces emissions, and protects the West’s wildlife, water and ecosystems. It outlines a framework for transition from coal and other risky and polluting energy sources to greater utilization of our huge proven reserves of energy efficiency and demand resources. It includes portfolios of many clean resources including rooftop photovoltaics, Combined Heat and Power and electric transportation. It relies on “Smart-from-the-Start” development of wind, solar, geothermal and associated transmission projects that are planned in ways that protect and enhance habitat and ecosystems and consider local community concerns. The Clean Energy Vision plan shows how a more secure and sustainable electric sector can be more reliable—and perhaps less expensive—than continuing our dependence on coal, oil, and gas.
Read final report and supporting documents on the Clean Energy Vision: Western Grid 2050 site.