NWEC blog post discusses current state of electricity market options for the West

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Pacific Northwest-Regional-Transmission & Regional Planning-WGG News

NWEC posted an article on its blog. “Western Market Benefits to the Northwest” is an high-level overview of options being considered as the West restructures its electricity markets. It argues that a recent state benefits study suggests that a single western RTO is the best option. The article focuses on the Northwest, but includes the entire West.

It’s a great place to start if you’re new to the issue or trying to catch up on all the developments.

Highly recommended – easy to understand language and good supporting graphics.

Read the article HERE. (link takes you offsite to the NW Energy’s website)

Opening statements: The West is in the midst of determining how to structure itself into electricity markets, with significant implications for utilities, customers, and the future of a clean, equitable, and affordable western grid. Electricity markets can coordinate and optimize the electricity grid, creating a system that is more reliable, can transition to clean energy faster, and will have notable savings for customers.

A 2021 study analyzed the potential benefits of several different organized market configurations, coming to the conclusion that a single West-wide Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) will have the greatest benefits for the West.

Moving forward with a broader western market and RTO would provide between $700-885 million in annual benefits for Northwest states. The analysis in this state benefits study indicates clear benefits for a single western RTO. No other configuration can provide access to the full diversity of demand and generation across the West, especially given the important contributions that will be made by hydropower from the Northwest, solar in the Southwest, and wind in the Intermountain region.

Read the article HERE. (link takes you offsite to the NW Energy’s website)


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