America’s Power Plan

Our nation’s electricity system is undergoing a rapid transformation. Market forces — driven by demand for cleaner, more efficient energy and technological innovation — are redefining America’s power sector.

Consumers and businesses are demanding a new relationship with energy. They want to control the energy they consume – make it cleaner, more efficient, certain, and affordable. Innovative companies are finding new ways to meet this demand

That is why more than 150 top energy experts have joined America’s Power Plan, a project designed to tackle the tough questions and propose a path to overcoming regulatory, legal and economic barriers to a cleaner more efficient energy future. Together, these papers provide a policy toolbox to guide decision makers on utility business models, finance, market design, transmission and distribution policies, distributed energy resource integration and siting.

While America’s Power Plan presents state-of-the-art thinking, it is intended to start a discussion about our energy future, not to be the final word.

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