The agenda and links to presentations used during the WCEA meeting January 7&8, 2016 in San Francisco, CA.
January 7, 2016 (THURSDAY)
8:30-10:00 am
Goals, Issues, Solutions and Analysis Needed for RSO development
WCEA has been a successful, in part, because we developed a shared goal (meeting IPCC carbon goals for the Western electricity sector) and pathways to achieve that goal (Clean Energy Vision, planning work, operations and integration studies, and market development). As the West is developing a Regional System Operator (RSO) we again have opportunities to develop shared goals and guiding principles, identify priority issues, and find solutions – an advocacy agenda for change. We will review what has been developed to date -principles, issues, and implementation from WGG’s market supply options outline and Fred Huette’s issues matrix.
Discussion will center on answering the following questions: Are the developed principles complete and sufficient? What are our top priority issues? How do we want to see those issues resolved? What analysis and study need to be completed to support our advocacy?
Moderator: Amanda Ormond, Western Grid Group
Success Matrix – Fred Huette, Northwest Energy Coalition
• HEUTTE-2016-wso-success-scorecard (Excel sheet)
Strawman of Primary issues – Ron Lehr, Western Grid Group
• RSO issues straw proposals 12-16-15 (word doc) &
• Lehr- WGG WCEA markets presentation (PPT presentation)
10:15 am – 11:45 am
Lessons Learns from Existing Regional Transmission Organizations
As the West builds its own unique RSO we would do well to examine the systems and operations in other markets that support renewable energy. NGOs engaged in SPP, PJM and MISO will share their recommendations responding to a list of questions such as: What planning and operational practices do you think are most important to support clean energy? What would you change about your governance structure to improve transparency and ensure that the public interest is paramount in decision making?
Moderator: Mark Ahlstrom, WindLogics, a NextEra Energy Resources company
PJM – John Moore, FERC Project
• Moore Presentation Panel 2 RTOs(PPT presentation)
MISO – Beth Soholt, Wind on the Wires
1:15 – 4:30 pm
CAISO stakeholder processes, FERC and PAC state approvals
As consideration and approvals for regional system operations develops in CAISO stakeholder initiatives, in FERC filings, and leads to dockets for state approvals, advocates need to be prepared to address high priority issues with our preferred solutions. We will confront concerns of regulators, utilities, consumer advocates and others.
Speakers will review their strategies, identify priority issues and how they will be addressed. As a group we will work to answer the following: Who are the primary state champions and detractors of an RSO? What are the emerging issues in each state? What information or studies are needed to address emerging concerns? How do we ensure our agenda succeeds at CAISO and FERC? What are our greatest opportunities to influence the approval processes?
Part I: State Issues, State Approvals
Moderator: Cameron Yourkowski, Renewable Northwest
Utah – Sarah Wright, Utah Clean Energy
Washington, Oregon & Montana – Cameron Yourkowski
• Yourkowski-WCEA (PPT presentation)
Wyoming – Lisa Tormey Hickey, Interwest
Regional Implications – Bill Corcoran, Sierra Club
Part II: CAISO Stakeholder Processes and FERC Approvals
Moderator: Doug Larson, DL Energy
Ranking of CAISO stakeholder processes – Doug Larson, DL Energy
• 1-7-15 DL presentation at WCEA meeting final (PPT presentation)
FERC Approvals – Allison Clements, NRDC
• WCEA Presentation Clements 1.7.16 (PPT presentation)
4:30 – 5:15 pm
Expanding EIM and RSO Participation
For individual utilities, evaluation of participation in the EIM has illuminated the benefits of regional coordination. The EIM study and participation is becoming a stepping stone into regional market participation. How can advocates use what we have learned from EIM and RSO study to influence PNM, SRP, TEP and Idaho Power, Northwestern, Xcel, Western, Tri State to join the EIM and EIM participants to consider joining the RSO?
Carl Zichella, NRDC
Rebecca Wagner, Wagner Strategies
January 8, 2016 (FRIDAY)
8:00 – 10:00 am
Modeling and Study to Support High Levels of Renewable Energy
As the Clean Power Plan pushes up the amount of renewable energy in the Western Interconnection advocates need to be conversant with high quality studies that support the cost effective, reliability integration of renewable integration. This session will focus on the most common concerns cited and the data to refute these arguments. (Prepare a list of resources and expected top 10concerns from CPP – see agenda addendum). What do these studies mean for transmission study going forward? What should we press for going forward?
Moderator: Brian Parsons, Western Grid Group
Low Carbon Grid Study – Jim Caldwell, CEERT
• Caldwell-WCEA1.8.16 (PPT Presentation)
The Role of Non-fossil Flexibility in a Cleaner Grid – Jimmy Nelson, UCS
Reliability arguments – Brian Parsons, Western Grid Group
• Parsons-Modeling and Study Report (PPT presentation)
10:15 – 10:45 am
Clean Power Plan Advocacy in Western States
Regional advocate coordination needs in the West.
Justin Wilson, Western Clean Energy Campaign
• WIlson – WCEA CPP (PPT Presentation)
10:45 – 11:15 am
Review Strawman Problems, Options and Recommendations in RSO Development. (Participants will be identified on Thursday to present a summary of advocacy plans developed during the meeting.)
11:15 am – noon
Roundtable of Issues Roundtable
We will use this time to share items of interest to the group.
Moderator: Kate Maracas, Western Grid Group
DG Planning at WECC – Jim Baak, Vote Solar
Outcomes of Paris – Fred Heutte, NW Energy Coalition
California RETI 2.0 – Brian Turner, CPUC
• Turner-Jan 8 Presentation to WCEA (PDF)